На Е3 Номура собрался аннонсировать ною (побочную) КН игру.

Q: Are there any hints you can provide about these new games?

A: Hints would give away too much, and for Kingdom Hearts we're contractually obligated to keep any information that has not been official released under wraps. However, I can say one of the two projects mentioned above came into existence because we wanted to do something for the North American fans, so we'll be announcing it at E3.

И его уже задолбали по поводу КН3, он над ним сейчас НЕ работает.

Q: Translations of your interview in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Ultimania seem to confirm that Kingdom Hearts III is coming along with two other games.

A: Kingdom Hearts III is not a confirmed title. I actually phrased my asnwer for the Ultimania "two titles other than III" to avoid speculation that we were working on Kingdom Hearts III.

И по поводу Версуса:

Q: Final Fantasy Versus XIII is your current primary project. How is it coming along?

A: Developement is progressing smoothly, but starting with E3 and through winter, there are a number of titles I am involved in that will be announced. And of course, the company as a whole has many upcoming projects, so we'll take it one step at a time. We do have plans to officially showcase the title at a certain point.

Кто-нибудь мне человеческим языком объяснит, что этот ушлый японец пытался сказать, или я всё правильно поняла и мы опять в на***бе?